Not only is the Alkali Creek Trailhead an access point for the Centennial Trail – it has a nice Nature trail too. The trail is just over one-half mile long, however in that short distance you will walk through prairie, forest and back to Alkali Creek.
I think this a prefect trail for getting small children used to hiking. The trail is short enough that they shouldn’t get too tired, but if you have to carry them it’s not even a mile long. The trail has loads of markers – my three year-old and I enjoyed trying to find the next trail maker – then counting how long it took to get there. We saw many flowers and butterflies along the trail too. Be sure to pickup an interpretive pamphlet at the trailhead – there are 10 posts along the path with a small paragraph in the pamphlet explaining the flora and fauna you are encountering.
There is plenty of fresh water at the trailhead/campground and 22 picnic areas. This could be a great afternoon outing and is just 1/2 mile off Interstate 90.
The Alkali Creek Nature Trail is located in the Fort Meade Recreation Area, almost 7,000 acres of public land. The area extends from just south of I-90 at Exit 34 north to Bear Butte State Park. This area is a beautiful part of the Black Hills that I think many people are unaware of – look at my Facebook Ft Mead Rec Area photo album to see more of the area.