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Eleventh Hour Gulch

image eleventh hour gulch spearfish canyon

Spearfish Canyon is a wonderland all year long.  I’ve posted about 11th Hour Gulch before, but it is a different experience depending on the time of year that you visit.  Be sure to put this on your list of stops when in Spearfish Canyon.

If you are traveling north in the canyon, you’ll want to park in the pullout just after kissing rocks.  Here is a video I took  while walking to the gulch.

About the author: Josh loves to take pictures and share them on his South Dakota and the Black Hills blogs.  Plus he enjoys traveling with his family any chance he gets.

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  • Brenda July 18, 2013, 5:31 am

    Even though I’ve been coming to the Black Hills since birth, my family just pointed out 11th hour gulch three years ago. The first time we went, there were hundreds of blue butterflies all over the gulch to add to the beauty. It’s an amazing place – it seems that it’s a favorite for climbers, also.

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