I love checking out old ruins, especially if there happens to be a great view too. The old Flag Mountain Lookout Tower fits my criteria perfectly. It is located by Deerfield Lake, probably about 20 miles from Hill City. There are great views in all directions – a great place to soak in the beauty of the South Dakota Black Hills. Reynolds Prairie directly to the East of the lookout and several peaks are visible in the distance.
Finding the old Black Hills Fire Lookout Tower is pretty simple. On the northwest side of Deerfield Lake, you’ll want to turn off of Road 306 onto Flag Mountain Road. Continue on Flag Mountain Road until you find Flag Mountain Lookout Road (the second right) – that will take you to the top. Black Hills – Northeast, South Dakota Trails Illustrated Map #751 shows the roads very well and is the map you should travel with in the Black Hills.  Also, keep in mind, the Flag Mountain Lookout Road is very bumpy and I would not recommend taking a vehicle with low ground clearance on it.
Enjoy the video I shot from the top of Flag Mountain.