The Black Hills is blessed with an 80-acre ranch that is shared with the public by owner Dave Snyder – for quiet contemplation in nature. The meditative labyrinth above is just one of many spots to get away from busy modern life and just be.
It is called Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary, and besides the labyrinth, there is a one mile walking path. Along the trail there are several benches for meditation or contemplation. It was founded in the spirit of love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. See more pictures here
We were able to visit twice in 2011. The first time, we were the only ones there and wild flowers were in bloom everywhere. The Wild Bergamot literally turned some of the hillsides purple. Our second visit was for church services one Sunday – wow – what a place to celebrate everything that is right with the world.
Pathways is closed during the winter and opens in late spring (open May 15th through October 31st). Hours are 8am until dusk. Visit the Pathways website to find when it is open and for directions. For those of you familiar with the Mickelson Trail the sanctuary is near the Dumont Trailhead.
Enjoy this video that show a portion of the area